This game is a independent MMORPG, Lan game and a single player game. You have fight, farming, explore, crafting, trading, management, competition... and you are free to play in you style.
It's a pixel art and old school game. Our work is concentrated on the gameplay, creativity, performance and self hosting. The income is to paid the developing and the artwork. The game is fully open source (GPL3).
The game have no real time. That's give clear advantage on 3G/wifi connexion or into the tiers world. You can play Player vs Player, Team vs Team, your team can own city and clan hall.
This project offer a scope to developing new technologies, innovate and analyze into the area of networking, cryptography, compression of datas, cloud/cluster/server/client, performance and protocol.

Like all other game/MMORPG:
- No racist. No talk or mention about politics or religion of the real world.
- Play fair, don't insult and keep cool.
- No hack, cheats or bots.
- Use complex password (more than 16 char with lower/upper case and number), and never give it: an administrator will never ask it

Against the other MMORPG:
- Transfer money from the game to external account have fee. Is defined by the administrator into the server. Mostly about 1-9% to pay the server/infrastructure cost.
- If you discover security breach, please report it
- I will try keep the server open how long as I can. I will tell you 1 years before close it.
- You can simply re-open you own server with the same content (like a mirror of the official server, see download). Exists multiples mirrors on the web to access of the download if all the officials sources are down.
- The game is under GPL3 (code + datapack)